Calluses are tough and often uncomfortable patches of thickened skin that can make it difficult to walk without pain. At the office of Bonnie Vader, DPM, PC, in East New York, Brooklyn, New York, you can get expert callus treatment as well as answers for how your calluses formed and how you can prevent them in the future. Call the office or use the online scheduler to set up your appointment now.
request an appointmentWhat are calluses?
Calluses are thick, rough areas on the balls, heels, or sides of your feet. A callus can occur in almost any shape, and may range from quite small to being broad enough to nearly cover the ball of your foot. It’s common to develop calluses on both feet, but sometimes they may occur on just one foot.
Calluses can sometimes grow quite uncomfortable if left untreated. They’re also a particular danger to diabetes sufferers, as the callus can eventually break down and cause a nonhealing wound or even foot ulcer.
What is the difference between calluses and corns?
The main difference is their location and pattern of thickening. Corns are hard skin growths that develop on top of your feet, usually on the tops of your toes. They’re usually smaller than calluses, and are generally round in shape. Unlike calluses, corns go deep into your skin, as they have a hard middle that roots them in place.
What causes calluses?
The most common causes of calluses are pressure and friction on the balls of your feet. This friction can occur in several ways, with one of the most common causes being regular high heels wear. But, any type of poorly fitted shoe could potentially lead to calluses. Wearing shoes without socks could also contribute.
If you suffer from other foot problems, for example hammertoe, you’re more susceptible to calluses. There are also other possible causes for callus development. Dr. Vader performs a complete foot exam, checks the fit of your shoes, and considers your lifestyle to determine why you have calluses.
How are calluses treated?
Dr. Vader performs debridement, precise trimming of the excess skin, to remove calluses in the office. She can also prescribe topical creams that can reduce your symptoms. To prevent calluses in the future, Dr. Vader gives you specific recommendations like changing your footwear, wearing cushioned socks, or using a pumice stone lightly to keep your skin smooth.
Remember, you should never trim or cut your calluses at home. It’s very difficult to judge how much skin to remove, and by removing the wrong amount, you could cause an infection and a number of additional complications.
Get help for calluses so you can walk pain-free by calling Bonnie Vader, DPM, PC, or making an appointment online today.